
Thematic seminars for young people - Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Green Deal

Harghita County Development Agency, a subordinate institution of Harghita County Council, participates as a beneficiary in a European Union project "CAPfuture - Information measures for healthy and quality food" for the period 2021-2022. On the 14th of May, the next thematic seminar within the framework of the above mentioned project took place in Odorheiu Secuiesc at the Harghita Business Center. The seminar was attended by students of the "Kós Károly"  Technological  High School in Odorheiu Secuiesc, with the participation of about 50 person. The aim of the event was to raise awareness of the young generation on the most important issues of the Common Agricultural Policy. Árpád Cilip, director of the Harghita County Development Agency, spoke about local and traditional producers, with special attention to the Szekler Product family of trademarks. He also discussed the issues of biodiversity in the county, presenting short food chains and sustainability of local healthy food supply. From an economic point of view, the acquisition of organic certifications may play a prominent role in the expected food crisis, which will also contribute to an increase in demand for organic products. The seminar ended with an interactive quiz game on the KAHOOT platform around the theme of biodiversity. In this way, young people were able to learn about a topic that has a major impact on agriculture in the county.


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